Mary's Legacy
Mary Olejnik was born on May 9, 1950 in the central European country of Czechoslovakia (this region now known as Slovakia). The Communist party ruled the area at the time, making it a difficult, and sometimes dangerous place to live. Understandably, Mary dreamed of moving to America. At the age of 19, her dreams would come true. With a sponsorship from distant relatives, Mary flew to New York City leaving her family and country behind in hope of starting a better life. She didn't speak any English and had less than $5 in her pocket. Everything that she owned was in her suitcase which only weighed 11 pounds. Here in New York she would begin her journey and marry her love, Milan Olejnik, a friend of the family who also moved to New York from the same region a few years prior. The couple started a family in 1971 when their daughter Michelle was born, and two years later, a son Milan Olejnik, Jr.
From the start of their lives in America, Mary and Milan were involved in the restaurant and hospitality industry. In 1998, Milan would be offered a training manager position at Rough Creek Lodge which led them to Glen Rose. The two loved their new home in this quiet country town. Mary would show her love to family, friends, and the community through her wonderful cooking and baking. After Milan's retirement some years later they had an unexpected opportunity. It was found while strolling one afternoon near the downtown area of Glen Rose. The couple had stumbled across a quaint Plantation-style home just around the corner that was for sale. They read each other's mind and without hesitation began a new journey. With the help of their son Milan Olejnik, Jr., Riverhouse Grill was born in 2009.
In Mary's eyes, this was not just a restaurant that served food. It was a place where she made you feel like you're company in her own home where you'd be greeted with a hug when you walk through the door. The locals became family. Visitors would come as strangers and leave as family. Mary's legacy will continue to live on as Riverhouse Grill enters it's 9th anniversary. Although never the same without her, the memories and her love for others is what makes us proud to be called Riverhouse Grill.